We admit students all year round into any of our departments, regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds. Primary and JHS students will be admitted after passing an age appropriate placement exam in English, Mathematics and General Knowledge.
General Admission Requirements:
1. A short interview
2. 50% minimum pass mark in Placement Exam (for Primary and JHS)
3. Cumulative Records or Student Transcripts from previous school(s)
4. Original and Copy of Birth Certificate/Passport Bio-data Page
5. Two (2) Passport sized photos
Fees Policy
Parents may be asked to withdraw their wards if fees are not paid in full within the stipulated period. We plead with parents to see the Executive Director or the School Business Manager if their financial situation changes which will warrant delay in payment of fees. This will forestall the unpleasant situation of sending your ward out of school for non-payment of fees, a situation we want to avoid. Registration and Admission fees must be paid before the new child can start school.
All fees are to be paid directly into one of the two designated bank accounts of the school or its MTN Mobile Money Account ……….. Bright Star does not receive cash payments for school fees at the school premises.
The following guidelines are provided for payment of fees.
🟠 All fees are to be paid in full by reopening of school, or by arrangement with management
🟠 A full term’s fees are payable irrespective of the actual date of admission, re-entry or withdrawal. A special exception may be granted by the Executive Director.
🟠 Learners who hold arrears on their school fees account for 2 consecutive terms will have their admission status reviewed and will be expelled.
🟠 Where a learner is to be absent for a full academic year and parents wish to keep his/her place, fees must be paid in full for the period of return; otherwise the learner will be considered as a new entrant and will only be admitted when a vacancy occurs and payment of a new admission fee.
🟠 Limited number of bursaries for merit awards is provided for learners with demonstrated financial need at the discretion of the Board of Governors. All learners of Bright Star are special and are treated as equals, irrespective of their social, ethnic or racial backgrounds.
🟠 All fees should be made into one of the two designated bank accounts. Payment advice must state the student’s name.
🟠 Parents seeking to pay fees by installments must apply to the Executive Director by the end of the previous term.
🟠 Fees are not refundable in the event of a learner being expelled, or in any other circumstances.
🟠 A term’s written notice is required on withdrawal. If no such notice is given, a term’s fees must be paid in lieu.
🟠 Students, who fail to report to school after two weeks of re-opening without prior request in writing, automatically forfeit their place. If you wish to maintain your child's place after a period of absence, please notify the School Business Manager in writing before they leave. In such cases, full fees will be payable for the period of reservation. If no such reservation has been made the child will be considered a new entrant and will only be re-admitted subject to availability of vacancy.